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Choosing books

At lovemybooks we believe the choice of books for  children really matters. There are so many books published for children every year, the range available can be quite overwhelming. By introducing children to good quality, engaging books they are much more likely to see books and reading as interesting and fun.

Each book we have included on our site has been chosen with care. Here are some of our reasons, though not all of these apply to every book.

The book is:

  • interesting and meaningful, encouraging children to want to read on and find out what happens next

  • well-written and good to read aloud

  • well-illustrated with lots to talk about in the pictures as well as the story

  • about characters children will be interested in and want to talk about

  • about themes which are important to children such as making friends or feeling scared

  • linked to a topic of interest to children

  • patterned, with a rhythm, repeated phrases or a clear sequence of events to encourage children to join in with the story

  • inspiring,  sparking children’s imagination and their curiosity about the world

  • memorable for the quality of the language, content, illustrations or format.

Within our collections we aim to reflect diversity and promote representation both in terms of the stories told and characters depicted and in terms of the authors and illustrators featured.

 The books, including those in our novels section, are intended for sharing rather than children’s independent reading. It is always advisable to read books yourself before sharing with your child. This will help you read the story aloud with more confidence and know when might be a good point to pause to talk about the story or pictures.