Mo Willems
Walker Books
Age 0-5
When Trixie takes Knuffle Bunny to the Laundromat everything goes well until they head home and Trixie realises she has left her favourite toy behind! No matter how upset she becomes dad doesn’t understand. Fortunately Mum realises the problem straight away and Knuffle Bunny is rescued. This is a story about losing something precious and the difficulties of making yourself understood and relying on others when you are very young.
Share the story
Read aloud
Before you start reading the book, talk about the illustrations on the cover and on the copyright page which show Trixie’s parents’ wedding and her birth. Talk about what is happening in the pictures and what the story might be about.
Read the story aloud pointing out the different characters as you do.
Join in
When you return to the book and read it again your child might like to join in with Trixie and dad’s route to the Laundromat or Trixie’s attempts to get dad to understand. Perhaps a toy rabbit or favourite soft toy could come and listen to the story too.
Watch the story