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Nimesh the Adventurer


Ranjit Singh, Mehrdokht Amini, illustrator
Age 3-7

For Nimesh every day is an adventure. At school his classroom is a dragon’s cave and the corridor a shark infested sea. On the way home he is not walking along a busy street but on a sleigh ride at the North Pole. As Nimesh travels from one adventure to another, pages alternate between real life and the imaginary and young readers can spot the clues for the next adventure in the vibrant illustrations.

This is an exciting book to spark the imagination with lots of opportunities for creative storytelling – maybe you are not just walking in the park maybe you are in … a rainforest! The book takes the form of a conversation between Nimesh and an unseen narrator who meets him at school and follow him on his journey home making this a great book for taking turns when reading together once children are familiar with the story.

Take a peek inside on the publisher’s website 

Watch the story being told by Niall from Discover Story Centre, Stratford


Share the story

Read aloud
Before starting to read the story talk about the cover and first end papers. What can you see, what might happen in this story?

Read the book aloud to your child allowing time to talk about the story and pictures as you do. Did you both spot the clues for the next adventure? (eg the ski shop before the North Pole spread) If not go back and look for them together.

Join in
Read the story as a double act with one of you being the narrator and one being Nimesh.

Talk about the story
Choose the adventures which most interest your child to talk about , for example:

  • Did Nimesh beat the pirates?

  • Where might he be going on the tiger?

  • What might happen if the dragon wakes up?

  • Spot the clues to each adventure eg dragon book, shark poster, ski shop, pirate cake

  • Would your child like Nimesh to have had adventures at home – if so what might they be?

Things to make and do

Play the story
When you are out and about imagine your own adventures together eg:

  • We are not pushing a trolley at the supermarket we are pushing…… a barrow full of treasure!

  • We are not swimming in the pool we are ……..deep sea divers.

  • We are not looking at animals at the zoo …….. we are wild life photographers in a safari park

Be a storyteller
Choose one scene from the story and make up a story about it together.

Make a new scene for the story
Fold a piece of paper of A4 paper in two or fold both edges to the centre as if making a double door or shutters.   Children can draw another scene for the story. On the outside an everyday scene of Nimesh inside his house, at the swimming pool or supermarket and inside draw his imaginary adventure.

Find out more

Find out about famous adventurers here

 Children might like to choose an explorer that interests them and make a poster or factfile about him or her.

Discover Story Centre have a worksheet based on Nimesh the Adventurer with suggestions to help you become a story teller too