David McKee
Andersen Press
Age 3-7
This classic picture book explores a theme which is very real to children, wanting adult attention and being ignored. Bernard’s parents are just too busy and distracted to take notice of Bernard even when he is replaced by a monster that has eaten him. A very amusing story which is just as appealing to adults as it is to children.
Share the story
Read aloud
Read the story aloud to your child allowing time to look closely at the illustrations as you do. Children are often fascinated with these, particularly when Dad gets hurt with the hammer and bitten by the monster!
Talk about the book
Share favourite parts of the story or favourite illustrations. Talk about anything that puzzles your child, for example why Bernard’s parents don’t listen to him.
Join in
When you read the story again encourage your child to join in, perhaps with Bernard’s words or the chorus of ‘Not Now Bernard’. Children might also enjoy adding sound effects for example when dad hurts himself or when the monster munching Bernard.
Watch the story
From Chris Guest
Things to make and do
Role play
Role play conversations like the ones in the story as you go about everyday tasks with ‘Hello Mum or Dad’ and ‘Not now Bernard’ (perhaps inserting your child’s name!) as the reply. Your child might enjoy taking on the adult’s role with you as Bernard.
Make a monster mask
Print off the template provided then your child can colour the mask and wear it to act out parts of the story.
Write the monster’s diary
Print off the diary sheet provided so that your child can draw some of the things the monster does in the story.
Draw a monster
Using crayons and a large sheet of paper your child could draw their own monster, encourage them to talk to you about their picture.
Find out more
Read more books by David McKee, titles include:
* Elmer
Two Monsters
King Rollo
Mr Benn
* See more lovemybooks ideas