Tracey Corderoy, Steven Lenton (illus)
Nosy Crow
Age 3-7
Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam are robbers. The trouble is they are not very good at it and keep coming away empty handed. Thinking it might be easier to rob their neighbours than the bank or the zoo, they invite them all to a tea party so they can rob the empty houses. Unfortunately they are spotted and so fail yet again. The two hapless robbers, realising the error of their ways, decide to turn away from their life of crime and find a new career as café owners as their cake making proves such a hit.
An amusing story with appealing characters and wonderfully detailed illustrations. The rhyming text makes it memorable and easy to join in with.
Share the story
Read aloud
Look at the cover, title page and first double spread of the story and read the text to your child. Talk about what we have found out so far about the characters and the story. Why might the robber dogs be feeling gloomy?
Read the next couple of pages to the Zoo. Talk about what children would like to happen next. Should Shifty and Sam carry on robbing?
Read the rest of the story aloud allowing time to talk about the pictures. Can you spot the spider on every page?
Join in
As you read the story again children can join in by completing the rhymes or taking the part of Shifty, Sam or the neighbours.
Talk about the story
Which page do you each like best? Share favourites and talk about what is happening in the story and pictures.
Talk about how the characters changed in the story and what made a difference to them.
The paperback includes a QR code for smart phones to access the story read aloud.
Things to make and do
Tell the story
Children could tell you the story using the pictures to guide them
Play the story
Role play an imaginary conversations between Shifty or Sam and one of their neighbours
Try tiptoeing like Shifty and Sam
It might be fun to have a bag for ‘swag’ a torch and perhaps a mask as well.
Write a letter
Write a sorry letter from Shifty or Sam to the Scottie Dog about trying to steal Big Eared Bob
Make a poster
A wanted poster for Slippery Sam and Shifty McGifty or a poster advertising their new café
Play a game
Print off the rhyming pairs sheet and play a match the pairs or snap game with the cards
Bake a cake
See here for Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam’s special gingerbread recipe. And see here for more recipes
Find out more
Read another book about Shifty and Sam
Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam – The Cat Burglar
Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam – The Diamond Chase
Shifty McGifty and Sippery Sam – The Missing Masterpiece
Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam – Santa’s Stolen Sleigh
Read more books by writer Tracey Corderoy here and illustrator Steven Lenton here
Buy online