Sam Usher
Templar publishing
Age 3-5
A little boy wakes up to find it is snowing and can’t wait to get outside, before anyone else. The trouble is Grandad is just so slow to get ready. By the time they get out to the park his friends, some cats and dogs and even it seems, some animals from the zoo have got there first! Still it proves worth the wait and they have wonderful snowy fun.
This is a magical picturebook which captures the wonder of a snowy day, the excitement of wanting to make the very first footprints and the frustration of waiting for grown-ups. It ends with a very unusual snowball fight and the realisation that it was worth the wait. A perfect book to share, especially when it’s snowy, for young children who may be experiencing snow for the first time.
Share the story
Read aloud
Before you start reading look at cover together. Talk about what you can both see, and what might happen in this book. Then look at the first endpaper, what do you notice? Does this give any more clues to the story?
Read the story aloud pausing when children want to talk about what is happening and what they can see.
Join in
Read the story again children can join in with the to and fro conversation between the boy and Grandad ‘Don’t forget the snow’/’don’t forget your scarf’ etc.
Talk about the story
Look at the page where Grandad is in bed reading. How might the boy try and persuade him to get out of bed? Pretend to be Grandad and the boy and role play their conversation.
Talk about how the little boy is feeling at different points in the story. Children could make the same expressions as the boy in the book and look in a mirror at the effect.
If the story continued, what would your child like to happen the next day?
Things to make and do
Tell the story
Your child could tell you the story using the illustrations.
Play in the snow
If it really is a snowy day it would be fun to go out and play in it well wrapped up like the boy in the story.
Make a snowy scene
Spray shaving foam into a plastic or metal container. Children can have fun making tracks in the foam and placing model animals and people in the snow to make a scene like the story.

Paint a picture of a snowy day
Give children coloured paper and think white paint to paint a snowy scene. If you cover everything up well they could have fun flicking the paint on the brush onto the paper to create a snowflake falling effect.
Sing a snowy song
Watch this snowflake song then watch again joining in with the words and actions.
Find out more
Read another book by Sam Usher
‘Can you See Sassoon?’
Read an interview with Sam Usher here.
Watch a video with another snow story being read aloud The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats
Buy Snow here