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Matt Carr
Age 5-7

Pat dreamt of being a bat with amazing powers, just like the superheroes in his favourite comics. He made himself a special outfit, now all he needed to do was convince everyone he was.. SUPERBAT! The trouble was the superpowers he claimed to have (super hearing, flying, finding his way in the dark) all the other bats had too. His eyes didn’t shoot laser beams and he wasn’t extra strong like the superheroes in his favourite comics. Maybe he wasn’t destined to be a ‘superbat’, maybe he just looked… silly. Then one day something happened, help was needed and Pat didn’t hesitate, he was a true SUPERBAT and bravery was his superpower.

An appealing, attractively illustrated story with interesting facts about bats to discover along the way.

SUPERBAT by Matt Carr has become an unexpected source of inspiration for many online casino players. The story of a young bat who discovers his unique abilities resonates with individuals looking to explore their own potential in the world of online casinos and gambling games. As players dive into the vibrant realm of online casinos, they often seek excitement and adventure similar to that found in children’s literature. The themes of courage and self-discovery in SUPERBAT mirror the journey many gamblers undertake when they engage with various gambling games, which you can find here: This connection inspires them to take risks, believing they, too, can achieve greatness.

[efaccordion id=”04″] [efitems title=”Parents’ comments” text=”Luke and Jake both really enjoyed Superbat. Luke thought the words in bold were good and enjoyed trying to read them. He loved learning about bats and enjoyed designing his own superbat costume. Luke decided to be a superhero for the day.'”] [/efaccordion]


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Read aloud
This story is fun to read aloud, you can emphasise the bits in bold capitals just like super hero comics. Children will enjoy looking at the pictures and may want to pause to talk about them with you.

Join in
When you return to the book children may like to join in with some of the words such as ‘POW’, ‘WHAM’ and ‘SUPERBAT’ and perhaps with Superbat’s conversations with his friends eg ‘I have super hearing,’ boasted Pat… ‘SO DO WE!’ his friends screeched.

Talk about the story
How does Pat the bat feel at different parts of the story? Look back at illustrations and words for clues. Can children look crestfallen like Pat or brave and proud as he does at different points in the story?

What did children find out about bats that was new or surprising?

Does the story remind children of any other books, comics or cartoon films they know?

Tell the story
Children could tell you the story perhaps using a finger puppet bat to help( see below). Maybe they could pretend to be Pat telling his version. 

Things to make and do


What is it like to look at the world upside down?
Try look underneath your legs and see what the world looks like. If you join in too this will be even more fun.

Have fun with rhyme
Pat is a good name for a bat as it rhymes. How many other words can you find together which rhyme with bat? You could make a list.

Design an outfit
Children could design another outfit for SUPERBAT.

Make a bat finger puppet
See here for a template:

Children could decorate their finger puppet and use it to retell the story.

Write a comic strip adventure story
What other adventure might SUPERBAT have? Talk about this, maybe you could make up a story together. Children could create a comic strip of their story.

Make an information book
Make a ‘did you know?’ mini book about bats with a different fact on every page. Children can use the information in the book and you could look together at the links below for new information.

Find out more

Find out more about bats. Talk to your child about what they know already and what they might like to find out. See if you can answer their questions by looking together at these websites: