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Starting school

What can I do to support reading when my child starts school?

It’s a big day when your child starts school and there are many changes that you and they are likely to experience. One of these involves learning to read and ways you can help at home. Most schools teach children to read using phonics approaches and many use reading schemes. As parents, you might be asked to support your child at home and the school will provide guidance to help you.

As well as this, the most important thing is to carry on enjoying a broad range of interesting and fun books together: both those you borrow from the school or public library and your own. Children need you to read and re read stories to them, talk about the books you share together and encourage them to join in with the reading. Children need time to enjoy books in a relaxed way, without the pressure of another ‘teacher’ when they get back from school.

Try to keep reading fun and a special activity that you both enjoy. This way, children will want to read and read more often. As
Dr Seuss says:

The more that you read, the more things you will know,
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go! 

At lovemybooks we hope our book-based activities will give you lots of ideas for choosing books and ways to share and have fun with them.
See here for more information on how children learn to read and reading with your child.